About JiJu & JiJu COOkiNg fUn

About JiJu
(For Mandarin version, please scroll down.懶得看英文也有中文解說!中文版本緊接在後請各位客倌有耐心地往下捲)

"It sounds awkward to name yourself "JiJu", one of my friends said. I am sure you pretty much agree with my friend if you speak Chinese. This name "invented" on a common occasion when my boyfriend hiccup satisfactorily after being fed by my home-made meal. The sounds is just like a burping toad after a big feast.Toad is called "Ju-Ji" in Taiwanese, I reversed two words to "Ji-Ju" and found the sound itself is very delightful and energetic as I am always hopping around in the kitchen. I decided to start my cooking adventure under this name which could spice up a little bit fun, out-of frame and inspiring aspect during this journey.

About JiJu COOkiNg fUn

The initial idea to start this blog is simple. I LOVE COOKING! I did not got trained as a professional, yet I enjoy playing different kinds of ingredients to make a healthy, colourful happy meal to people I love. I grew up in a traditional Taiwanese family, where "eating" is regarded as the most important thing in one day activity. I was told that cooking is the best way to communicate and exploit love to family, a heartwarming meal can carry more than it's look. I am influenced by my granny and mom a lot, following their steps to create simple but soothing cuisine since I was a little girl.

I came to Netherlands for study, during this period, I thought about granny home-made dishes from time to time especially when the weather beats me unexpectedly (and yes, it happens more than usual!) When the nostalgia hits me, the quickest way is to spend some time in the kitchen, and voila, I feel like I was in Taiwan in no time. 
I am also surprised there is no a lot of online English cooking information to let more international people know how amazing Taiwanese street food is! I do feel sorry for them, in that sense, I would like to take advantage of this blog to introduce as many fantastic taiwanese cuisines as possible to friends who haven't got the chance (or luck :P) to taste it yet.

At this moment, I would include three main lines in this blog

* Jiju inspiration - No principle, no boundary! Maybe an exciting Taiwanese-western fusion or just something inspiring picked from daily life and transform to a lovely meal on the table. Only one Golden Rule should be followed - use as many natural color ingredients as possible with simple seasonings to bring out the original taste of food.

Autumn Nori wrap
Green tea infusion- salmon fried rice

Sparkling jewelry tofu box
Fish in tomato sauce

* Taiwanese street food festival - You might question me the difference between so-called "Taiwanese food" and "Chinese food". I cannot deny we share many similarities in terms of cooking technique and ingredients, yet, we have built up our own taste and flavor preference accomplished by unique taiwanese culture and irreplaceable warm hospitality. It is just as simple as a street food should look like but it bears lots of profounding stories and memories in every Taiwanese heart. Based on this spirit, I do not have to raise more reasons to explain why I want to share these heaven like recipes generously out.
* Grandma home-made recipeNo one can be compared with my grandma on cooking in my mind. Her recipes are not as fancy as three-star glamorous sophisticated cuisine but resonate deep in heart for good. She is an amazing woman who keeps the whole family running with selfless love and determination. I would love to pass on these simple, heartwarming dishes to being thankful to her.

Holiday Season Turnip Daikon Cake
Scallion Soft Pancake

Even it takes me much more time to write an English article, I will try to keep bilingual-balance as much as I can, and for sure, it will be English version for "Taiwanese street food festival" topic to benefit people around the world.Still not sure what I'm doing with my life and where this blog will take me, but hopefully it's somewhere inspiring and fun all at once. Before it comes, just keep cooking!

Enjoy reading!


認識我的人一定覺得"JiJu"這個名字取的很天馬行空 哪來這麼奇怪的idea?!
很突然滿足地打了一個這輩子我很少聽到的“響嗝” 如同蟾蜍的叫聲一樣響亮驚人
JuJi (蟾蜍的台語)的綽號就這樣榮登在他身上
接連好幾天 同樣的狀況都發生在飽餐之後 在我不斷嚷嚷他新綽號的同時
他說我也要有一個新稱號才公平 於是他開始叫我"JiJu"

第一次聽到這兩個字的組合覺得很可愛 很像兩個快樂的狀聲詞連結在一起
就這樣 我把"JiJu"當成我廚房紀錄的代名詞
希望透過文字與圖片 帶給更多人下廚的動機以及吃到幸福的溫暖

關於JiJuCOOkiNg fUn

開始寫食譜部落格的動機很單純 -我喜歡下廚
我沒有受過專業的訓練 從小就喜歡跟外婆和媽媽在廚房跟進跟出
看著他們親手 有耐心地把新鮮的食材轉成桌上的佳餚

我一直想 做什麼是可以“讓我感到快樂”又可以“令人感到幸福”的事
這樣可以減少Monday blue或是避免每天要用各種不同的理由說服自己起床去上班的情況發生
人在異地 常常因為荷蘭不受控的天氣以及怎樣都逃不開炸物的“荷蘭菜”而想念台灣的味道
最快的方式就是自己研究 如何把台灣的美味隔空變出來

在這樣的催生過程之下 我開始了這個部落格
目前為止 我希望這個部落格可以往三個主題發展

Jiju inspiration - 用生活周遭的靈感轉化嘗試不同食材的組合,沒有制定的搭配或嚴謹烹飪手法 只有遵循JiJu的“黃金原則”- 利用多顏色的蔬果 簡單的調味 吃出食物的原味

Taiwanese street food festival - 如同前面所說的 介紹把台灣的小吃介紹給更多不同國家的朋友是這個部落格的發想之一 不管是在荷蘭的台灣人還是網路上有太多出神入化作台灣小吃的高手 因此這個主題我會用英文寫作 讓這個感動被世界各個角落看到

Grandma home-made recipe - 從小是外婆把我帶大 不管時空如何改變 在情感上我對她的依賴只有更深厚 在我眼中的她是一個傳統堅毅的女性 一個人獨自把七個小孩帶大 她的料理與她的堅持是影響成為現在的我重要的一部份 家人常常提到希望幫外婆寫一本自傳讓後代都有機會認識並瞭解這個我們心目中永遠的最愛 而我希望用透過紀錄她料理的方式 把她的幸福味道傳承下去

但我由衷希望可以透過這樣的機會 敘述自己的故事 分享台灣的街頭小吃
有更多的靈感創作出不同的美味 令人感到幸福

分享自己的故事 自己的料理

Enjoy reading!
