Simple Quick and Tasty - Fried Chicken Strips with Sesame sauce

It is gonna be a busy week for me, under this circumstances, I need to bring up my secret Simple Quick and Tasty recipes on the table. Such as this fried chicken strips with sesame sauce, I can have dinner in no time and still receive compliment from my lovely boyfriend with gratitude. With love and a little ingenuity, simplicity can be a great delicacy.

1 chicken breast, stripped
1/2 cucumber, peel into long strips

Marinade Seasonings:
1 Tsp soy sauce
1 Tsp mirin
1 tsp black pepper powder
1/2 tsp sesame oil

Sesame Sauce:
1/2 Tsp soy sauce
1 Tsp lemon juice
1 Tsp sugar
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp black sesame
1 tsp white sesame

1. Mix all the marinade seasonings and add chicken breast. Marinate for 5-10 mins.

2. Heat a pan, fry white sesame for couple mins until aromatic. Be careful do not burn.

3. Mix all the ingredients for sesame sauce, stir in white sesame. Set aside for later use.

4. Use the same pan, add 1 Tsp olive oil and fry chicken breast with medium heat. Remove from the pan until both sides are golden brown and crispy.

5. Take one piece of cucumber strip with one chicken in the middle, and gently roll it up. Repeat until all chicken are done. Serve with sesame sauce. Rice or Pita will be good choice go with this tasty enjoyment.

