Detox time! Re-energize with Curried Eggplant with Tomato and Basil after Berlin trip
You cannot imagine how much heavenlike cuisine I've had in Berlin during last five days. Eisbein, Königsberger Klopse, Schweinshaxen, all kinds of wursts and of course my favorite German rye sour bread and pretzel. Even it is kind of privilege to "store" more fuel in windy, 5 degree Berlin, I can hear my body's started protesting upon over-consumed calories.
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you must have discovered I am a vegan lover, generally speaking. The best cuisine ever is bring out the original taste by using fresh veggie with simple seasoning. It is just the right moment to make this detox dish when my self-grown tomato ripen at the perfect condition. Wait a minute! Grow a tomato plant in a student studio? Yes, it is exactly as crazy as you might think now! We do have our little garden indoor because I am fond of the way Jamie Oliver presenting his cooking with fresh picking veggie from his backyard. It is fun to grow some plants to make our room more delightful and cheerful, also some green leave veggies which we are craving for but cannot find in the Netherlands. It is common to have some unrecognized green sprouts come out to say hello which I did not pay attention to until it grows to certain level to catch my eyes. I wasn't quite sure what this tiny light green plant is, I decided to leave it and see what it could be. It's been growing in a extraordinary way with its up-straight stem and prosperous green leaves. I've cross matched the seeds I got in hands, yet, there was no one could fit. I turned to my aunt, who is an expert of self-growing veggie and fruit, for help. The answer went to "TOMATO" !! The thing is,"Where does tomato come from? From haven?"

After being surprised for five minutes, I figured out two reasonable explanations. Not every ingredient can be stored properly (or I have to say some veggie just become perished much quicker than I expect), and some just got overdue or partially rot within a short period of time. Instead of throwing them away, I bury them under the soil to help plants grow.The tomato was one of them. The soil we bought somehow already consist tomato seeds could be the other possibility. Anyway, since it is a lovely gift, it has my full attention to bring a big harvest.
There is no better timing than now to pick up those red and fruity tomato and make a refresh detox meal after five days meat consuming marathon. It simple and quick dish only takes less than 10 minutes to make. Join me purify body system and re energize for the better rest days of this week.
1. 2 tomatos, cube
2. 2 baby eggplants, piece
3. 1 onion, chopped
4. 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
5. A handful of basil
6. Half cup of chickpeas, rinsed
1. 1tsp curry powder
2. 1tsp soy sauce
3. Pinch of sugar
4. Salt and black pepper for taste
1. Heat oil pan, cook the onion until become transparent. Add garlic and tomato, stir several times.
2. Stir in eggplants, add seasoning 1-3 and stir to combine all the ingredients well . Add half cup of water and cook 5-10 mins until eggplant softened and tender. Stir occasionally.
3. Add chickpeas and cook until thoroughly heated. Season salt and black pepper according to your preference. Stir in basil before set on the plate. Serve warm with rice.
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