Taiwanese street food festival 台味食煮- Day 15 - Custard Bread in Taiwanese Style 台式克林姆麵包
天氣變好了自己卻不爭氣的感冒了. 在荷蘭待的時間越久感冒頻率竟然越高,不知道是從台灣特有的抵抗力因為時間拉長漸漸的被同化還是因為思鄉的情緒總是無法找到一個適當的出口而讓病毒有機可趁,上個禮拜請了三天假在家休息,其實在荷蘭很多人都一請就是一個禮拜,因為這樣才會有proper的休息到並且fully recovered.從台灣來笨笨的我,請了兩天假就很過意不去,第三天拖著半好的身體進辦公室,聽到我咳嗽咳的亂七八遭的同事問我:“你病得那麼嚴重為什麼會來上班? ”我說:“我已經請兩天假,在家太無聊所以需要一些distraction" 同事:“感冒需要時間調養, you should take it easy and take more rest". 於是乎,我禮拜五就很好意思的請了病假,在家調養.
感冒食慾變得很差,喉嚨乾癢不舒服不大想吃東西,前兩天都是硬著頭皮吃水果補充維他命c,再加上吃稀飯配肉鬆(好慶幸自己這次回台灣有成功偷渡肉鬆 嘻嘻)好像感冒就一定要這樣吃飽持最基本的體力, 說來說去大同電鍋真的是這世紀上最偉大的發明, 讓體力虛弱的病人沒有媽媽在身邊也可以一個按鍵就有稀飯吃(沒有大同電鍋也可以享有溫暖人心的稀飯: 阿嬤的愛心稀飯)
It is a shame being sick when the weather is turning attractive in the Netherlands. Cherry flowers start blossoming, the famous dutch national flower tulips are astonishing and shinning everywhere. As for me, I did not have luck to enjoy the scene but took sick leave last week. It is another small culture shock to me from this sick leave. I felt guilty after two days off, thus I went to the office with hardly recovered condition. To avoid coughing among colleagues, I need to hide in the toilet to clean up my throat. Some colleague happened to hear my sickness and asked: you sounds very sick, why you are still in the office? " "I already took two days off and I got bored being sick at home, I need some distraction to tell my body not "being sick" I replied. " You should take it easy and rest more. Normally it need a week to be fully recovered" colleague suggested.
Well, that is true. It is not strange here to have a whole week off because of sick. It is not like in Taiwan, you can go to doctor everyday until 9pm, with a 5 euros bill you can have proper treatment and prescription. After 1-2 days, you would feel much better with assistance of medicine. And because of this "efficient" health welfare, it is not common to take sick leave (with paid) in Taiwan. Of course that is mainly because most of the boss would expect your presence even though you are ill, people will not take proper sick leave for granted as a result.
It is a shame being sick when the weather is turning attractive in the Netherlands. Cherry flowers start blossoming, the famous dutch national flower tulips are astonishing and shinning everywhere. As for me, I did not have luck to enjoy the scene but took sick leave last week. It is another small culture shock to me from this sick leave. I felt guilty after two days off, thus I went to the office with hardly recovered condition. To avoid coughing among colleagues, I need to hide in the toilet to clean up my throat. Some colleague happened to hear my sickness and asked: you sounds very sick, why you are still in the office? " "I already took two days off and I got bored being sick at home, I need some distraction to tell my body not "being sick" I replied. " You should take it easy and rest more. Normally it need a week to be fully recovered" colleague suggested.
Well, that is true. It is not strange here to have a whole week off because of sick. It is not like in Taiwan, you can go to doctor everyday until 9pm, with a 5 euros bill you can have proper treatment and prescription. After 1-2 days, you would feel much better with assistance of medicine. And because of this "efficient" health welfare, it is not common to take sick leave (with paid) in Taiwan. Of course that is mainly because most of the boss would expect your presence even though you are ill, people will not take proper sick leave for granted as a result.
在大病的前一個週末突然很想念台式麵包,尤其是那種甜甜看起來很多但咬下去都是空氣的會發胖的台式甜麵包,麵包上面都會以內餡做提示,畫線圈的克林母口味,星形的就是草莓果醬口味, 芋泥跟椰子口味的都會以心型呈現. 以前常常在家附近的建和麵包大掃貨,一個麵包五塊,看起來巴掌大的麵包其實裡面空空的, 所以常常不小心掃就是20-30個一次購足一個禮拜的早餐. 在荷蘭想吃就自己做,基本台式麵包的底需要相當大的耐心與體力,除了基本的麵粉,液體跟發粉,需要加入奶油並且不斷的甩揉麵團直到撐起薄膜,整個過程下來可媲美一個鄭多燕有氧運動的消耗量.為了無法抗拒香濃的成品,製作過程消耗些體力也不會那麼罪惡了.
I was dying for taiwanese bread a week before being sick. It is not common to me thinking of this kind of sweet, soft texture bread, yet it just pop up in my brain when I was in bed before falling asleep. And yes, this is a bad habit that I always feel hungry and long for specific kind of unaccessible taiwanese food only right before sleep. It is very easy to know the flavor from the surface of taiwanese bread, normally its presented with its filling on the top of bread with different shape design. Star-shape for strawberry jam flavor, circle for custard bread and heart-shape for taro or coconut fillings. It takes double time to make taiwanese bread, besides basic ingredients: flour, yeast and liquid, it requires more patience and effort of a thorough kneading to make butter perfectly absorb into the dough. With repeating kneading exercise and climbing heart beats, all the effort you devote to this dough would be fully compensated by the outcomes.
For people who want savory ones, you cannot miss out another addicted Taiwanese bread recipe: Taiwanese Green Onion Bread .
第一次烤克林姆麵包原本以為表面的同心圓奶油可以像是市售的那般上相,烤箱溫度太高讓整個奶油紋路相親相愛你濃我濃,圖片是用190度烤15分鐘,參考了其他的食譜建議用160-170度烤30分鐘,下次在調整程後面的溫度跟時間,看看是否可以烤出不同於小火山爆發的秀氣正宗台式克林姆麵包.For people who want savory ones, you cannot miss out another addicted Taiwanese bread recipe: Taiwanese Green Onion Bread .
Ingredients: (Serving 6 portion)
1. 250 g Flour
2. 30g sugar
3. 2g salt
4. 1 egg
5. 1/2 tsp yeast
6. 110g milk (divided 80g and 30g)
7. 20g un-salted butter, cut in cubes.
1. 110 milk
2. 10g sugar
3. 6g flour, sifted
4. 6g corn flour, sifted
5. 1/2 egg
6. 15 g butter
1. Mix ingredients 1-6 (leave 30g milk for kneading) into a dough
2. Place dough on the working table. Start kneading and add the rest of milk in batches until it fully absorb liquid and become a smooth dough
3. Add butter in the dough and combine well. Stop kneading when you can easily pull up a thin film.
4. Cover with a damn towel and leave an hour for first proof. Try with your finger to make a hole into a dough, if the hole does not re-bounce, first proof is done
5. Squeeze air out of your dough, slightly shape and leave for second proof for 30 mins.
6. Cut dough into 6 equivalent portion, relax for another 10 mins.
7. Flat the dough and fill the custard. (You can also spare some custard for the topping) Repeat for the rest. Leave custard bread for last proof, covered with a damn towel, around 30 mins
8. Preheat oven to 160 degree and bake 20-25 mins till golden brown.
1. Heat up milk and sugar till around 80 degree
2. Combine ingredients 3-5 well, pour into milk mixture and keep whisking until it thicken.
3. Remove from the heat and mix butter in. Leave for cool down
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