Grandma home-made recipe - Scallion Soft Pancake :A-Ma Dan-Bing 阿嬤的蛋餅
The best thing back to Taiwan is being a spoiled child fed by grandma and mom, especially in the lunar new year occasion. It is just like everything you would possibly do during Christmas, non-stop eating and drinking, playing games, visit relatives and friends, go to temple (church) to wish good luck for the following year.
I am the first grandchild that grandma takes care in the family and I am living with her until 13 years old. Mom always says I am grandma's youngest daughter without doubt. I cherish the fact and the affection I got from grandma. She is the one makes me become who I am.
Here is a Taiwanese song dedicate to writer's grandma. She looked back her childhood, parents were busy at work in the big city so that she was taking care by grandma living in the countryside. Grandma's hugs and arms are the most secured places to rely on against any possible fears and threats. The severe reality pushes her away from grandma. She'd moved to city to earn her own life, she could only visit grandma every couple years. When she lies on grandma's back as if she was a kid, the grey hairs shines the fact that grandma is aging while she is grown up.
This A-Ma (grandma in Taiwanese) Dan-Bing (Pancake) is one of my favorite grandma dishes. It looks very simple, just the mixture of flour and water, yet it takes me lots of effort to present the same texture and taste, still not 100% success. I decided to watch and learn in grandma's kitchen this time. The presented images are shot authentically while grandma chef is enchanting her magic. No matter how many times I am practicing this recipe, there is something missing! I think its irreplaceable blessed happiness from grandma's hands.
這次回台灣 除了期待過年家人團聚 最讓我牽掛的就是外婆
雖著自己即將邁入而立之年 今年的端午就是外婆的八十大壽
不管是南投還是桃園的外婆家 這麼多年來沒有什麼改變
改變的是 下一代子子孫孫 因為現實 因為夢想
紛紛離家 讓外婆獨享一棟四樓的透天厝
外婆最喜歡在門外走動 或是在二樓陽台探望家人是否快抵達
這樣期待的心情 也逐漸被電話問候取代
響亮的鈴聲迴盪在獨棟的房子裡 更顯內心空蕩
斑白的頭髮 日漸蹣跚的步伐 都因為假日子女的探望不自覺地飛揚輕快
在廚房忙進忙出 一兩個小時變出整桌的佳餚

外婆的菜 永遠學不像也永遠都吃不膩是因為外婆的愛
就像這道 阿嬤的蛋餅 心中的溫暖遠大於口中軟Q口感
“外婆她的期待 慢慢變成無奈 大人們始終不明白
她要的是陪伴 而不是六百塊 比你給的還簡單”
我想我的家人是明白的 用自己的方式關懷外婆
雖著自己即將邁入而立之年 今年的端午就是外婆的八十大壽
不管是南投還是桃園的外婆家 這麼多年來沒有什麼改變
改變的是 下一代子子孫孫 因為現實 因為夢想
紛紛離家 讓外婆獨享一棟四樓的透天厝
外婆最喜歡在門外走動 或是在二樓陽台探望家人是否快抵達
這樣期待的心情 也逐漸被電話問候取代
響亮的鈴聲迴盪在獨棟的房子裡 更顯內心空蕩
斑白的頭髮 日漸蹣跚的步伐 都因為假日子女的探望不自覺地飛揚輕快
在廚房忙進忙出 一兩個小時變出整桌的佳餚
外婆的菜 永遠學不像也永遠都吃不膩是因為外婆的愛
就像這道 阿嬤的蛋餅 心中的溫暖遠大於口中軟Q口感
“外婆她的期待 慢慢變成無奈 大人們始終不明白
她要的是陪伴 而不是六百塊 比你給的還簡單”
我想我的家人是明白的 用自己的方式關懷外婆
我用這篇文章紀錄 提醒自己盡最大的努力向家人傳遞愛與關懷
1. 2 eggs
2. 1 cup all purpose flour
3. 1/3 cup potato starch
4. 1/2 cup of chopped scallion
5. 1 cup warm water, 50-60c degree
6. 1 cup cold water
1. Use one large bowel, pout in flour and potato starch. Mix with cold water until it become goozy.
2. Add warm water and mix it thoroughly. The batter should be as liquid as easy to fall down from a spoon. Add chopped scallion and mix well.
3. Heat oil pan, take one big spoon of batter and pour in the pan, flip until the batter turns white.
4. Crack an egg on the pancake when both sides are soft and cooked, and flip again. Fold the pancake into a fan shape. Serve warm with soy sauce.
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