Taiwanese street food festival 台味食煮- Day 14 - Black Sugar Sesame Steamed Bun 黑糖芝麻小饅頭
I love biking to the office, not only because it is faster but I enjoy the quiet morning when I can smell a sweetness from the early fresh air (and probably coldness staring from this week). Sometimes, the passing by scooters take away this privilege from me with its polluted emission. Surprisedly, it did not give me too much negative feeling as I thought but brought me back to Taiwan when we were rush to school in the traffic , stop by breakfast vendor for a warm, fluffy steamed bun. Even I am a bread-consuming person, as winter is approaching, a nice sweet steamed bun is all I need to ease the homesick, especially for weekday morning.
每天除了打掃人員, 我幾乎都是前三名進到辦公室的人. 星期五為一週最安靜的早晨,看著蛋黃色誘人的太陽輕輕的劃過Bijlmer Arena staduim,另一個前三名的同事荷蘭人告訴我說,這就是進入冬天的天氣:乾燥的太陽烈風早晨. 原本都以歐式麵包為主食的我,突然想吃熱乎乎冒著蒸氣鬆軟的饅頭,或許是進入冬天高頻率想家的季節,用食物來穩定心情是每個週末的must do.
It is quite easy to make yourself a steamed bun as long as you enjoy every moment spending with ingredients you like. I use yogurt to replace milk this time(Do you drink coffee with milk? you cannot miss this Cafe Latte Mantou ), to highlight, black sugar and black sesame are two of the first-picked ingredients to uplift your energy to welcome the winter. Try it, enjoy it and do not forget to share it with friends or people you love.
每天除了打掃人員, 我幾乎都是前三名進到辦公室的人. 星期五為一週最安靜的早晨,看著蛋黃色誘人的太陽輕輕的劃過Bijlmer Arena staduim,另一個前三名的同事荷蘭人告訴我說,這就是進入冬天的天氣:乾燥的太陽烈風早晨. 原本都以歐式麵包為主食的我,突然想吃熱乎乎冒著蒸氣鬆軟的饅頭,或許是進入冬天高頻率想家的季節,用食物來穩定心情是每個週末的must do.
It is quite easy to make yourself a steamed bun as long as you enjoy every moment spending with ingredients you like. I use yogurt to replace milk this time(Do you drink coffee with milk? you cannot miss this Cafe Latte Mantou ), to highlight, black sugar and black sesame are two of the first-picked ingredients to uplift your energy to welcome the winter. Try it, enjoy it and do not forget to share it with friends or people you love.
其實揉饅頭很簡單,把自己喜歡的食材用點巧思放進麵團中,在手揉的過程當中可以聞到淡淡的的麥香,每一次的施力都是用心與食材對話,成品會令人更加滿足與感恩. 之前用牛奶咖啡搭配出香濃的拿鐵饅頭,這次我用冰箱剩的優格,加上暖冬食材的黑糖與黑芝麻, 在溫潤的黑糖襯托黑芝麻的香氣,隨著撒在天際的晨光,心也跟著緩緩上升的蒸氣暖了起來!
Ingredients:1. 400g all purpose flour
2. 220g zero fat yogurt 220g
3. 3 Tsp black sugar
4. 1/2 tsp yeast
5. 1/4 tsp salt
6. 3 Tsp unsweetened black sesame grounded
1. 高筋麵粉400g
2. 零脂優格220g
3. 黑糖三大匙
4. 酵母1/2茶匙
5. 鹽1/4茶匙
6. 無糖黑芝麻粉
1. Mix ingredients 1-5 properly until become a dough. Place the dough on the working table and start kneading until it becomes a soft and smooth dough. It might take 8-10 mins.
2. Cover with a damped towel and leave for prof until it doubles its size. (Placing a glass of hot water next to the dough can raise the temperature in order to faster the process)
3. After dough is proved, remove from the bowel. Dust some flour in between the dough and table prevent from the stickiness. Squeeze out the air, cut the dough into half and shape it nicely l. Set aside for15 mins.
發酵完後, 用手擠壓出空氣,把麵團等分切割為兩部份並整型為圓型再鬆弛15分鐘
4. Take half and flat the dough into a nice 30*20 cm square. Add black sesame evenly on the top and roll the dough from the edge up to the other side carefully. Squeeze out the air by gently rubbing the log with palms
工作板上撒些手粉,把鬆弛好的麵團桿成長方形,均勻撒上黑芝麻粉,再把麵團捲為長條型.捲的時候盡量把中間的空氣擠出5. Trim two sides of the dough and divide into even portion base on personal preference. Place on the baking paper in the steamer.
6. Heat up water to 40 c degree, place the steamer layer on with led. Prof another 40 mins.
7. Steam it with medium heat for 15 mins. Turn off the heat and leave a small leak to release steam for 10 mins. Enjoy your hand-made healthy black sugar sesame steamed bun.
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