JiJu inspiration - Hand-Made Dumpling with Self-Plant Tomato Sauce 番茄x蘑菇x馬鈴薯丸子
這趟去了奧捷匈,讓我念念不忘東歐菜不是人人說必吃的beef coulash,也不是經典的捷克料理燉豬肉,而是在主菜邊不起眼卻引人入勝的配角dumpling.當然身為有麵粉萬事足的我,只要食材可以吃出小麥的天然香味就以足夠打敗所有的山珍海味. 當看到隔壁桌的老外大口吃肉大口喝酒的同時,我鍾愛的是用馬鈴薯,麵粉和雞蛋作成的丸子,配上特製的酸菜和肉汁,看似窮酸的組合但更能夠享受食材的天然風味同時滿足自己的味蕾.
回家後開始一邊上網找食譜一邊用自己的想像力把馬鈴薯麵團呈現出來,作法相當的快速簡單,成品在兩種澱粉結合相得益彰並帶有Q彈的口感, 搭配的醬汁是清爽養生低卡的番茄蘑菇醬,為了是削減這禮拜來不忌口的罪惡感,加上自己栽培的神奇番茄植株不斷的給我們驚喜(請看處處是驚喜,我與番茄共處一室!),一個小塑膠收納盆可以讓它豐沛的生命力從室內延伸到陽台,濃郁的果實比市集的有機番茄更甜美,並且100%保證有機,搭配歐洲九層塔色香味一應俱全,點亮今年夏天的尾聲.
1. 2 cup mashed potato
2. 1/2 cup all purpose flour and extra for knead
3. 1 Tsp potato starch
4. 1 tsp salt
5. 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder
6. 1/4 white pepper powder
7. 1 medium egg
8. 1 Tsp butter
1. 2 self-grown tomatoes
2. 1/2 onion, chopped
3. 1 garlic clove, chopped
4. 3-4 mushroom, sliced
5. 3-4 basil leaves
1. 1 Tsp ketchup
2. 1 tsp sugar
3. Black pepper and salt for taste
1. Combine all the ingredients 1-8 for dumplings into an even mixture. Make into a ping-pong size ball.

2. Heat up a pot of water till boiled, slide in dumplings gently. Stir occasionally and cook until dumplings pop up on the surface.
3. Heat an oil pan, pan fry onion until semi-transparent. Add in garlic and give a good stir, followed by mushroom and tomato. Combine all the ingredients until aromatic.

4. Put all ingredient on one side of pot, add 1 tsp olive oil, squeeze ketchup on the oil area and stir fry. This would make your sauce a yummy gorgeous color. Add 1/2 cup of water and sugar, simmer for 5 mins until all the ingredients release its flavor into sauce. To finish, add black pepper and salt for taste.
5. Serve warm dumpling with generous spoon of sauce. Highlight with more fresh tomato and basil leaves.
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