Grandma home-made recipe - Comfort Morning Congee 阿嬤的愛心Muai
After a whole week traveling with sister fed by loads of bread, fresh beer and rich meat, I terribly need a light meal to adjust my body clock. Congee is the best comfort food, especially in the raining chill saturday morning, like today.
2014夏天與妹妹相約東歐,一個禮拜走了奧匈捷三國,一路來大口喝酒大啖紅肉加上我難以抗拒的麵包,身上的重量隨著照片塞爆記憶體同時反應在體重機上.星期六早晨因室友的咖啡香離開溫暖的床, 看著窗外陰雨綿綿樹葉沙沙作響, 我想到的是一碗熱騰騰的阿嬤的Muai(粥)
If you look up "congee" on internet, it will provide you tons of various recipes based on different countries. What triggers me the most is my grandma's recipe which is designed for my little brother when he started to eat solid food. It is a very simple recipe contains nutritious ingredient: rice, carrot, and small fish, yet the most important component to make it delicious is patience and love.
煮稀飯很簡單,尤其是家家都有大同電鍋,一個按鍵就搞定.阿嬤的Muai沒有甚麼了不起的材料- 米,胡蘿蔔,吻仔魚,嫩薑,了不起的是,這是弟弟小時候開始吃副食品時阿嬤親自研發每天在瓦斯爐前用生米攪拌煮成的愛心粥.
I can picture the scene while typing this article - every morning before 6 am when we are still in the sweet dream, grandma already in the kitchen busy with pots, knives and oven to prepare our breakfast. The joyful sounds, attractive smell break the dawn and also wake the children up. It takes half hour standing in front of gas oven to stir congee gently, treat it as a delicate treasure just like taking care of us.
For me, I need congee when I miss home, or I should say when I miss the warmness and love from grandma's hands. Congee is served not only for little baby but for ill people who need a delicate care to have a better recovery. This is the best interpretation of comfort food : a dish combines original ingredient with the simplest cooking method, fulfilled with endless and selfless love.
這碗阿嬤的粥來的正是時候,當想家的時候或是盼望那種被捧在手心上呵護的依靠,一碗熱粥下肚,溫暖人心也同時得到了最原味的營養,對料理注入滿滿的愛,這是我對於comfort food的最佳詮釋.
Ingredients:這碗阿嬤的粥來的正是時候,當想家的時候或是盼望那種被捧在手心上呵護的依靠,一碗熱粥下肚,溫暖人心也同時得到了最原味的營養,對料理注入滿滿的愛,這是我對於comfort food的最佳詮釋.
1. 1 cup rice, washed. (I use Sushi rice which is the most accessible in Holland for making congee)
2. 5-6 cup water
3. 1 carrot, sliced
4. Handful of dried small sardines
5. Ginger, thumb size, sliced
6. Salt for taste
1. Add ingredient 1 and 2 into a pot. Cook with a medium heat, stir occasionally.
2. When it is boiled, add ingredient 3-5. Turn to small heat and cook until it softens significantly. Stir occasionally. It takes approximately 15- 20 minutes. Add more water in the process if it becomes too sticky.
3. Add salt for taste when rice breaks down and becomes a fairly thick. Serve warm.
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