JiJu Inspiration - Black and White Sesame Bagels 芝麻開門 - 雙味貝果
I fell in love with bagels at the very first time when I "met" in Starbucks. It was over decade ago when coffee barista was a new invasion of Taiwan as a trendy lifestyle concept. It looks not as glamorous as other treats in the coffee corner, yet it is definitely the shinning stone after taking first bite, flavor overwhelmed in the mouth with a touch of pleasant warming in heart.
Since then, bagels had become my first must-bake when I have an oven. Things are not always go in the same direction as your announcement, nevertheless, I finally made it and double bagels in the same time- Black and White sesame bagels. The reason is easy, one is never enough for me but two different enjoyments is my privilege when I am the one in the kitchen. I got very good quality of grounded black sesame from Taiwan, there is no better occasion to highlight itself on boulangerie. To match it, I make a savory onion bagels with white sesame on the top. I believe people love baking have their own recipe for beloved bagels, and here is mine which I am proud of!

但是有歐洲人餐餐都要有麵包的精神 我已經忘記上一次吃飯是什麼時候了!
在還沒出國之前 常聽到跟我一樣愛吃麵包的媽媽說剛出爐的麵包很好吃但第二天就跟石頭一樣硬
在歐洲走走跳跳 只要吃到好吃的麵包就會想到媽媽 尤其是到法國的時候
在荷蘭 我不得不說 比起鄰近的法國德國或是北歐國家 這邊的麵包真的普普
這樣說或許不公平 應該說是”不對我的味蕾“
廚房有烤箱的時候 週末不小心起個太早(完全是sunny room in the morning 的“優點”)
就開始和麵 揉麵 發麵 整形 烘焙
整個屋子充滿烤麵包味 搭配一杯黑咖啡 就是最奢求的自我週末時刻

Since then, bagels had become my first must-bake when I have an oven. Things are not always go in the same direction as your announcement, nevertheless, I finally made it and double bagels in the same time- Black and White sesame bagels. The reason is easy, one is never enough for me but two different enjoyments is my privilege when I am the one in the kitchen. I got very good quality of grounded black sesame from Taiwan, there is no better occasion to highlight itself on boulangerie. To match it, I make a savory onion bagels with white sesame on the top. I believe people love baking have their own recipe for beloved bagels, and here is mine which I am proud of!
但是有歐洲人餐餐都要有麵包的精神 我已經忘記上一次吃飯是什麼時候了!
在還沒出國之前 常聽到跟我一樣愛吃麵包的媽媽說剛出爐的麵包很好吃但第二天就跟石頭一樣硬
在歐洲走走跳跳 只要吃到好吃的麵包就會想到媽媽 尤其是到法國的時候
在荷蘭 我不得不說 比起鄰近的法國德國或是北歐國家 這邊的麵包真的普普
這樣說或許不公平 應該說是”不對我的味蕾“
廚房有烤箱的時候 週末不小心起個太早(完全是sunny room in the morning 的“優點”)
就開始和麵 揉麵 發麵 整形 烘焙
整個屋子充滿烤麵包味 搭配一杯黑咖啡 就是最奢求的自我週末時刻
在令人眼花撩亂熱量報表的咖啡產品當中 我只喜歡單純的黑咖啡
琳琅滿目的輕食甜點 唯獨貝果讓我情有獨鍾
越簡單的食材組合 越能吃出食物的原味
因此讓我瘋狂的美式食物 就屬不同口味貝果
幾年後 好市多進入台灣 冷凍庫存數袋貝果也不足為奇
從那時後就告訴自己 以後有烤箱第一個要烤的就是貝果當早餐 讓每天元氣滿滿好心情
終於 在媽媽生日的前夕 加入老麵的手工貝果出爐了
(媽媽生日是五月初 文章卻延遲了一個月.....)
剛好手邊有台灣帶來磨好的黑芝麻 把想念媽媽的心情揉入貝果
希望哪一天 媽媽可以再次踏上歐陸 幫她記憶中美好的歐洲增添不同的畫面
Dough overnight
1. 125g all purpose flour
2. 1/4 tsp instant yeast
3. 1/4 salt
4. 90g water
1. 300g all purpose flour
2. 1/2 tsp yeast
3. 1/2 tsp salt
4. 20g sugar
5. 180g water
6. 2 Tsp sugar
7. 2 Tsp honey
8. 1000cc water
Onion Bagels
1. 2 Tsp olive oil
2. 1 medium onion, diced
3. 1 piece of garlic, chopped
4. 1/2 tsp thyme
5. Salt and black pepper for taste
6. Handful of black sesame
Sesame Bagels:
1. 3tsp grounded black sesame
2. Handful of white sesame
1. For dough overnight, mix ingredients 1-4 and knead the dough until it becomes smooth and tender. Store the dough in a container with a lid. Put in the fridge for overnight.
2. Prepare a big bowl for main dough, pour in ingredient 1-5 and dough overnight, combine thoroughly until become a dough. Remove this rough dough from bowel to working table. Divide the rough dough into two equivalent portion.

3. Add ground black sesame into one portion of dough and start kneading until it is very soft and is able to spread to a thin film. Repeat for the other half of dough. Cover with a damp towel on both dough and prof until it doubles its size.

4. Start preparing fillings for onion bagel. Heat oil pan, fry garlic and stir until aromatic. Add onion and cook until it become semi-transparent. Add thyme, salt and black pepper, cook until all the ingredients integrate in a lovely flavor. Put aside to cool down
5. For each prof dough, squeeze out the air and divide into three equally portion. Make each of portion into a small ball. Leave for another 15 mins. For the black sesame dough, flat into a long oval-shaped. Fold the dough at the longer edge toward center and press tightly, repeat for the other side. Roll the long dough with palms and make it more compact. Flat one edge and connect to the other one.

6.For the white dough, flat into a long oval-shaped. Place 2 tsp onion fillings in the middle.Fold the dough at the longer edge toward center and press tightly, repeat for the other side.Roll the long dough with palms and make it more compact. Flat one edge and connect to the other one.

7.Place bagels on a baking paper and leave in the oven for 30 mins for second prof.
8. Add Dough ingredient 6-8 in a pot and bring to a boil. Put bagel into boiled water in batch and cook 30 seconds for each side. Place back on the baking paper and press sesame on the top.
9. Preheat oven at 200c degree and bake for 15 mins until it become golden yellow. Serve warm

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